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Developed by Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, this program builds the student's confidence by giving him the tools to teach himself the Taryag Mitzvot — the skeleton of the Torah.

Overview Video

Taryag Mitzvos Animations

Short animation videos for each of the 613 mitzvos!

Mitzvos 1-65 are currently available.


The Taryag Essays

613 Concise Summaries for All Ages


Taryag Mitzvot Manual

This manual provides a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Taryag Mitzvot in the classroom.


Taryag Mitzvot Outline for Students

This book is an abridged version of the Taryag Mitzvot Manual, containing just the list of the Taryag Mitzvot in Hebrew and English.


Taryag Mitzvot Reference Book

This book provides a the following info for each of the 613 mitzvot, sorted according to the order of the Rambam: passuk, brief description in Hebrew and English, source in Sefer Hachinuch, source in Rambam's Sefer Hamitzvot.


Taryag Mitzvot Regular Picture Cards

Pictures for each of the 613 Taryag Mitzvot. 

Great supplement to the Taryag Mitzvot Manual.



Taryag Mitzvot Stick Picture Cards

Child-friendly stick-pictures for each of the 613 Taryag Mitzvot.



Wooden Box for Taryag Mitzvot Stick Picture Cards - (Box only)

Wooden box (that is officially an audio-cassette-tape holder), that fits the stick-pictures cards very well. 

Good for separating the cards according to the 83 categories of the Rambam.

Sold by 

Box only. No cards included.

$38 approx

The Taryag Detective: Which Mitzva Am I?

This book helps children become 'Taryag Detectives' by providing a list of questions for each of the Taryag Mitzvot!

268 pages


Sefer Mitzvos Hamishna

This book lists the mitzvos contained in each mishna in Shas Mishanyos.

A perfect tool for a Rebbi teaching the "background information" for Mishanyos.


Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training Series: (5 Videos)

Introduction to the Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training Series


Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 1 of 5)

Video 1: The Great Value of Learning Taryag Mitzvot

  1. Why is Taryag Mitzvos one of the 10 Building Blocks of Chinuch?

  2. Where does the Torah command us to know Taryag Mitzvos?

  3. Committing Taryag Mitzvos to memory

  4. The Taryag Mitzvos Picture Cards and other supporting materials

  5. Does Learning Taryag Mitzvos count as though I did them?

  6. Do any Gedolim say a rebbe should know all Taryag Mitzvos in order to teach them to his Talmidim?

  7. So why did Hashem give us so many Mitzvos?


Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 2 of 5)

Video 2: How to Teach Over 100 Mitzvos in Less Than an Hour!

1. Fast Kick-Start of Over 100 Mitzvos in 22 minutes!

2. Review 115 Mitzvos in 4 Minutes!!

3. Learn the Next 83 Mitzvos


Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 3 of 5)

Video 3: Applications Part 1

  1. Teach the Child the Mitzvos They Already know

  2. Organizing the Mitzvos

  3. Organize the Mitzvos They Already Know Based on Rambam

  4. The Materials


Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 4 of 5)

 Video 4: Applications Part 2

  1. Quiz Each Other on the First 10 Mitzvos

  2. Match the Code Name / Description / Passuk to its Mitzvah Picture Card

  3. The Taryag Detective: Which Mitzvah Am I?

  4. Taryag Mitzvos Reference Chart

  5. How to Learn the Mitzvos According to the Sefer Hachinuch


Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 5 of 5)

Video 5: Applications Part 3

  1. Matrix Taryag Mitzvos according to The Human Anatomy (Sefer Chareidim)

  2. The Mitzvah Clue Game Reveal What You Know!

  3. Taryag Chevrusos – Mitzvah Quiz Games

  4. Mental Mapping & Mental Palaces

  5. Build A Taryag Mitzvos Classroom Library


Taryag Mitzvot Matching Cards + Index Cards

Four sets of "matching" cards: (2.5"x3.5")

1. Hebrew Word

2. Hebrew Phrase

3. English Phrase

4. Passuk

Also includes 83 cards for the Taryag Mitzvot Rambam categories.


Wooden Box for Taryag Mitzvot Matching Cards - (Box only)

Wooden box (that is officially an audio-cassette-tape holder), that fits the matching cards very well. 

Good for separating the cards according to the 83 categories of the Rambam.

Sold by 

Box only. No cards included.

$38 approx

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