Developed by Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, this program builds the student's confidence by giving him the tools to teach himself the Taryag Mitzvot — the skeleton of the Torah.
Overview Video
Wooden Box for Taryag Mitzvot Stick Picture Cards - (Box only)
Wooden box (that is officially an audio-cassette-tape holder), that fits the stick-pictures cards very well.
Good for separating the cards according to the 83 categories of the Rambam.
Sold by Walmart.com
Box only. No cards included.
$38 approx
Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 1 of 5)
Video 1: The Great Value of Learning Taryag Mitzvot
Why is Taryag Mitzvos one of the 10 Building Blocks of Chinuch?
Where does the Torah command us to know Taryag Mitzvos?
Committing Taryag Mitzvos to memory
The Taryag Mitzvos Picture Cards and other supporting materials
Does Learning Taryag Mitzvos count as though I did them?
Do any Gedolim say a rebbe should know all Taryag Mitzvos in order to teach them to his Talmidim?
So why did Hashem give us so many Mitzvos?
Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 4 of 5)
Video 4: Applications Part 2
Quiz Each Other on the First 10 Mitzvos
Match the Code Name / Description / Passuk to its Mitzvah Picture Card
The Taryag Detective: Which Mitzvah Am I?
Taryag Mitzvos Reference Chart
How to Learn the Mitzvos According to the Sefer Hachinuch
Video: Taryag Mitzvot Teacher Training: (Video 5 of 5)
Video 5: Applications Part 3
Matrix Taryag Mitzvos according to The Human Anatomy (Sefer Chareidim)
The Mitzvah Clue Game Reveal What You Know!
Taryag Chevrusos – Mitzvah Quiz Games
Mental Mapping & Mental Palaces
Build A Taryag Mitzvos Classroom Library