The Ten Building Blocks of Chinuch
Video: Hashkafa in Chinuch (Video 3 of 3)
The Torah’s Method of Delivering Information, How Hashem Taught Moshe Rabeynu
The Definition of ‘VeShinantam’
The Four Obligations of a Father
The Delivery System for the Mesorah
The Mission Statement of Judaism: Shema Yisrael & Its 2 Messages
The 6 Point Plan of Successfully Transmitting the Mesorah in the Shema Yisrael
Video: Taryag Mitzvot Training (Video 1 of 5)
Video 1: The Great Value of Learning Taryag Mitzvot
Why is Taryag Mitzvos one of the 10 Building Blocks of Chinuch?
Where does the Torah command us to know Taryag Mitzvos?
Committing Taryag Mitzvos to memory
The Taryag Mitzvos Picture Cards and other supporting materials
Does Learning Taryag Mitzvos count as though I did them?
Do any Gedolim say a rebbe should know all Taryag Mitzvos in order to teach them to his Talmidim?
So why did Hashem give us so many Mitzvos?
Video: Taryag Mitzvot Training (Video 4 of 5)
Video 4: Applications Part 2
Quiz Each Other on the First 10 Mitzvos
Match the Code Name / Description / Passuk to its Mitzvah Picture Card
The Taryag Detective: Which Mitzvah Am I?
Taryag Mitzvos Reference Chart
How to Learn the Mitzvos According to the Sefer Hachinuch
Video: Taryag Mitzvot Training (Video 5 of 5)
Video 5: Applications Part 3
Matrix Taryag Mitzvos according to The Human Anatomy (Sefer Chareidim)
The Mitzvah Clue Game Reveal What You Know!
Taryag Chevrusos – Mitzvah Quiz Games
Mental Mapping & Mental Palaces
Build A Taryag Mitzvos Classroom Library
Video: Timeline: The Emunah Experience (Video 2 of 7)
Video 2: Introduction to Contexual Learning
1. Hashem's Hashkafa - Hashem's Panoramic View of Reality
2. Two Components to Learning: Contents & Meaning. Content = Mastery of The Torah & Meaning = Why I am a Torah Jew
3. How To Give Children Meaning to Their Frum Identity.
Video: Timeline: The Emunah Experience (Video 4 of 7)
Video 4: Walk Down History 4, 5, & 6
1. Walk Down History #4: Matan Torah - The Greatest Event in World History & Greatest Claim Ever Made.
2. Re-enactment of Yetzias Mitzrayim
3. Introduction to Nevua: The Criterion to Know When Nevua is Real
4. Walk Down History #5: Nevua - 21 Major Nevuos
5. Walk Down #6: Migdal Bavel - Lashon HaKodesh, The DNA of Creation & The Mother Tongue of All Languages.
Video: Timeline: The Emunah Experience (Video 5 of 7)
Video 5: Walk Down History #7 - The Six Great Turning Points of History
The Six Great Turning Points of History:
1. Creation of The Universe
2. Creation of Planet Earth
3. Creation of Man and Hashem's Search for the Tzadik
4. Yetzias Mitzrayim and Matan Torah
5. The Prophecies Which Reveal Hashem Continues to Control History
6. Yemot HaMashiach
Video: Timeline: The Emunah Experience (Video 7 of 7)
Video 7: Practical Applications in the Classroom
1. The Large Time Line Cards
2. The Small Time Line Cards
3. Time Line Banners with pictures, beads, name markers, number markers.
4. Children Make Their Own Time Lines
5. Dor L'Dor Timeline (R’ Wachsman), Time Line & Time Line Display (R’ Black), Time Line of the Mishkan & Bet Hamikdash & Time Line of Jewish History (R’ Haber)
Video: Living Tefila Teacher Training (Video 1 of 4)
Video 1:
1. Defining Tefila
2. The Mitzvah of Tefila in The Torah
3. What is Avoda of the Lev?
4. What is the Context of Tefila in the Torah?
5. Why did Chazal change the original form of Tefila into pre-scripted Siddur?
6. The 6 Buildling Blocks of Tefila:
7. Defining Tefila & Where it is commanded in the Torah.
Video: Living Tefila Teacher Training (Video 2 of 4)
Video 2:
1. Defining Avoda of the Lev: Discipline of the Mind
2. The Context of the Mitzvah of Tefilah: Right Next to the Command to Love Hashem.
3. Why did Chazal Change the Original Form of Tefila into the pre-scripted Siddur?
4. What are the 5 Goals of Tefila?
Video: Living Tefila Teacher Training (Video 3 of 4)
Video 3:
1. The 6 Building Blocks of How to Teach Tefila
2. The Meaning of the Word ‘Baruch’
3. The Meaning of the Word ‘Atah’
4. The Meaning of the Hashem’s Name YKVK
5. The Meaning of the Word ‘Elokeinu/Elokim’
6. The Meaning of the Word ‘Melech’ & ‘Haolam’
7. The Power of Ten
8. The Meaning of the Word ‘Asher’
9. The Meaning of the Word ‘Kideshanu’
Video: Living Tefila Teacher Training (Video 4 of 4)
Video 4:
1. Messages in Tefila.
2. Messages in Modeh Ani.
3. Messages in Netilas Yadayim. Gratitude for Our Hands
4. Gratitude for Water
5. Rav Wolbe on the danger of children learning to daven mechanically
6. Professor Emoto’s Water Crystals demonstrate how water responds to our speech!
7. Asher Yatzar
Video: Halacha Yomi Series (2 Videos)
Video: Middos: Series (20 Vidoes)
Can Middos Be Taught or Only Role-Modeled?
Video: The First Day in an Al Pi Darko School: Series (7 Videos)
Video: The First Day in an Al Pi Darko School (Video 2 of 7)
Video 2:
Set up a Classroom Employment Agency/Job Chart:
Administrator, Botanist, Caterer, Class Librarian, Class Scribe, Hachnassas Orchim Manager, Mirror/Window Cleaner, Phone receptionist, Polish Expert, Sanitation Manager, Zoologist